Agency Mission:
adopted September 2018
New Beginnings partners with youth to create lasting change so all youth have a safe place to live and opportunities to grow.
Agency Vision:
adopted September 2018
Our vision is a world in which all youth are safe and valued in their communities.
Agency Goals:
A. Non-Discrimination: To ensure that every person who meets the criteria in New Beginnings’ mission statement has the opportunity to receive our services without regard to gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or ability to pay.
B. Quality of Service: To maintain a high professional standard of quality in our facilities and in the services we provide to youth and their families.
C. Fiscal: To manage the financial affairs of the organization in a manner that ensures financial stability and long-term viability.
D. Personnel: To promote opportunities for professional growth and advancement in a supportive working environment.
E. Board of Directors: To maintain a Board membership with diverse skills that is capable of managing the organization and committed to serving youth and families.
F. Community Awareness: To increase community awareness of and support for the needs of New Beginnings’ clients through public relations and education.
G. Responsive to Youths’ Needs: To respond to the changing needs of our clients and to work toward the development of a continuum of services in the community.
H. Advocacy: To advocate for the needs of the people we serve and to enhance their ability to represent their own needs.