New Beginnings’ philosophy is grounded in the belief in the dignity and worth of each individual. Young and old, staff and youth, well-functioning or in crisis; all human beings deserve to be treated with dignity. New Beginnings’ philosophy is also grounded in the belief in the healing power of humane, caring relationships between adults and youth in the community.
New Beginnings practices the art of systematic intervention. By this we mean planned, thoughtful intervention in the lives of youth in our care. The ultimate goal of New Beginnings is the promotion of youths’ healthy development and the creation of opportunities for safety, connections and growth.
New Beginnings seeks to enact this philosophy through its Model of Care, which integrates the most current and relevant approaches to provide the best possible services to our youth. These approaches are evidence-based, that is, they come from practices and theories supported by research and based on the needs of vulnerable youth.
New Beginnings developed this model of care from years of applying these approaches to every component of the agency’s work. This includes the assessment, planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of services for youth. It also shapes the formulation of agency policies and guides staff development and supervision.
The Model seeks to stimulate a healthy developmental process for all youth, including those whose traumatic experiences may have disrupted their social and emotional growth. This primary focus incorporates these essential elements in a holistic model of care:
Positive Youth Development
- Establishing and maintaining caring, supportive relationships with youth
- Providing youth with opportunities for meaningful participation in their own care
- Helping youth develop a positive identity, including a sense of their own well-being and a connection and commitment to the well-being of others
- Fostering the acquisition of knowledge, attitudes and skills that prepare youth for adulthood
Trauma-Informed Care
- Helping youth feel safe, welcome, important, and worthy from the very first contact with the agency
- Remaining mindful of how youth may experience the effects of trauma during their stay at New Beginnings
- Being calm and present for youth experiencing emotional disturbances due to past trauma
- Gathering information to help youth identify and address their needs and concerns
- Modelling positive coping skills for managing stress
Harm Reduction
- Fostering awareness of personal responsibility in behavioral choices
- Teaching creative problem-solving and decision-making skills in reducing the potential for harm
- Encouraging self-reflection regarding the motivations and results of chosen behaviors
Stages of Change
- Providing opportunities for youth to engage in a process of change with themselves as the primary change agent
- Guiding youth through the change process with appropriate suggestions for effective strategies relevant to each stage of change
- Affirming youths’ effort and self-efficacy
- Supporting youth efforts to maintain change or recover from relapse
Cultural Competency
- Developing the capacity to function effectively as an individual and organization within the context of cultural beliefs, behaviors, and needs presented by youth and their communities
- Demonstrating a commitment to learn about and understand the patterns of behavior that include language, thoughts, communications, actions, values, beliefs, and social groupings that comprise a youth’s cultural background
- Practicing self-monitoring for cultural competency, including watchfulness for areas of cultural blindness due to differences in power and privilege
The New Beginnings Model of Care is a framework for providing care to youth in concert with the agency’s philosophy. New Beginnings strives to provide the best care to every youth through an integrated system of assessment, planning, program services, evaluation, staff development, and policy. The Model of Care represents the principles and practices that focus on the best available means for addressing the needs and meeting the aspirations of vulnerable youth.