A. Informal Grievances

The informal grievance procedure may be used by youth or parents/guardians when they are dissatisfied with some aspect of the program which is not related to the Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services. This would include all parts of the program except formal case management services (i.e. street outreach, drop-in, etc.). It may also be used for complaints regarding case management which are not of a serious nature and do not involve a client’s basic rights or treatment.

Youth and parents/guardians should be made aware of the grievance process, and that no negative repercussions will result from filing a grievance.

1. Youth: Ifa youth disagrees with a staff’s decision or an action which involves the youth directly, they should first ask to discuss it with the staff member as soon as possible. If the youth is still in disagreement afier this discussion, they should request a grievance form, complete it, and return it to the staff member’s supervisor. The supervisor will set up a meeting with the youth within 2 working days of receiving the written
request. The supervisor may choose to include the staff member in the meeting. The decision of the Supervisor may be appealed to the Program Director, who will meet with the youth within 4 working days of receiving a written request. The decision of the Program Director will be final.

2. Parents and Guardians: A parent, guardian, or referral agent having a problem with the care of a youth should first discuss the issue with the staff member involved. If this discussion does not resolve the issue, they should request a grievance form, complete it, and return it to the Program Director. The Director will set up a meeting within 3 working days of this request. The meeting may be attended by the Program  Director, and the staff involved may be also be requested to attend. The person lodging the complaint may choose to have an advocate present at this meeting or any future meetings.

If the parent/guardian is still dissatisfied, they may request to meet with the Executive Director. A meeting will be scheduled within 3 working days of receiving the written request. The Executive Director may choose to have the staff and/or supervisors involved attend this meeting. The decision of the Executive Director will be made in writing within five working days, and it will be final.

B. Formal Grievances:

Formal grievances may be filed by a recipient of case management and/or mental health services, their legal guardian, their attorney, or any other advocate regarding possible violations of basic rights, inappropriate treatment, or other policy or action of the agency. All recipients and guardians will be informed of this right and the right to be assisted in the process by a representative of their choice.

A grievance may be undertaken making a formal written claim that provisions of the rights of Recipients, the Settlement Agreement in Bates vs. Peet, or any other applicable law or regulation have been violated by any program or agency.

Formal grievances may be appealed through three sequential levels: 1.) the Program Director; 2.) the Director of the Bureau of Children with Special Needs (sic); and 3.) the Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services.

At each level of the formal grievance procedure, the recipient or other grievant has rights to the following: representation of the Office of Advocacy or other advocaté; review of any information obtained in the processing of the grievance, except that which would violate the confidentiality of another person; presentation of witnesses pertinent to the grievance; and receipt of complete findings and recommendations, except those that would violate the confidentiality of another person.

An electronic or written record should be made of all proceedings associated with formal grievances.

Findings shall include: findings of fact; a determination regarding the program or agency; and any specific remedial steps necessary to be followed.

Upon appeal, all pertinent information will be forwarded to the next responsible official.

New Beginnings will follow the specific steps for formal grievances which are outlined in the current edition of the Rights of Recipients.

A. Informal Grievances

The informal grievance procedure may be used by youth or parents/guardians when they are dissatisfied with some aspect of the program which is not related to the Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services. This would include all parts of the program except formal case management services (i.e. street outreach, drop-in, etc.). It may also be used for complaints regarding case management which are not of a serious nature and do not involve a client’s basic rights or treatment. Youth and parents/guardians should be made aware of the grievance process, and that no negative repercussions will result from filing a grievance.

1. Youth: Ifa youth disagrees with a staff’s decision or an action which involves the youth directly, they should first ask to discuss it with the staff member as soon as possible. If the youth is still in disagreement afier this discussion, they should request a grievance form, complete it, and return it to the staff member’s supervisor. The supervisor will set up a meeting with the youth within 2 working days of receiving the written
request. The supervisor may choose to include the staff member in the meeting. The decision of the Supervisor may be appealed to the Program Director, who will meet with the youth within 4 working days of receiving a written request. The decision of the Program Director will be final.

2. Parents and Guardians: A parent, guardian, or referral agent having a problem with the care of a youth should first discuss the issue with the staff member involved. If this discussion does not resolve the issue, they should request a grievance form, complete it, and return it to the Program Director. The Director will set up a meeting within 3 working days of this request. The meeting may be attended by the Program
Director, and the staff involved may be also be requested to attend. The person lodging the complaint may choose to have an advocate present at this meeting or any future meetings.

If the parent/guardian is still dissatisfied, they may request to meet with the Executive Director. A meeting will be scheduled within 3 working days of receiving the written request. The Executive Director may choose to have the staff and/or supervisors involved attend this meeting. The decision of the Executive Director will be made in writing within five working days, and it will be final.

B. Formal Grievances:

Formal grievances may be filed by a recipient of case management and/or mental health services, their legal guardian, their attorney, or any other advocate regarding possible violations of basic rights, inappropriate treatment, or other policy or action of the agency. All recipients and guardians will be informed of

this right and the right to be assisted in the process by a representative of their choice.

A grievance may be undertaken making a formal written claim that provisions of the rights of Recipients, the Settlement Agreement in Bates vs. Peet, or any other applicable law or regulation have been violated by any program or agency.

Formal grievances may be appealed through three sequential levels: 1.) the Program Director; 2.) the Director of the Bureau of Children with Special Needs (sic); and 3.) the Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services.

At each level of the formal grievance procedure, the recipient or other grievant has rights to the following: representation of the Office of Advocacy or other advocaté; review of any information obtained in the processing of the grievance, except that which would violate the confidentiality of another person; presentation of witnesses pertinent to the grievance; and receipt of complete findings and recommendations, except those that would violate the confidentiality of another person.

An electronic or written record should be made of all proceedings associated with formal grievances.

Findings shall include: findings of fact; a determination regarding the program or agency; and any specific remedial steps necessary to be followed.

Upon appeal, all pertinent information will be forwarded to the next responsible official.

New Beginnings will follow the specific steps for formal grievances which are outlined in the current edition of the Rights of Recipients.