We need your help creating holiday care packages!
Thank you for checking out our Holiday Drive! Below is the list of items we are looking for to help out New Beginnings youth during the holiday season. You can help homeless youth at New Beginnings have a brighter holiday this year.
Gift bags will be given to 100+ youth in our Shelter, Transitional Living, and Outreach Programs.

NEW Gifts (Adult sizes):
- Charging Banks
- Phone Chargers
- Underwear
- Sweat Pants
- Leggings & Pajama Pants
- Art Supplies
- String Bags
- Playing Cards
- Shoes
- Slippers
- Coloring/Game books
- Journals
- Hair Products
- Thick, Heavy Twin Sized blankets
Hygiene Supplies:
- Comb
- Deodorant
- Liquid body wash
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Lip balm
- Razor
- Shaving cream
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
Gift Cards:
- $5 or $10 to Dunkin Donuts
- $20 Walmart
Any denomination of gift cards to the following:
- Hannaford
- Shaw’s
- Subway
- McDonalds
- Burger King
- Game Stop
- Bull Moose
- Dollar Tree
- Family Dollar
DROP-OFF DATES: Dec. 14th 12p-5p & Dec. 15th 9a-5p
Prefer to shop online? Check out our Amazon wish list:
or shop where ever you like!
Items purchased online may be shipped to the address below.
*Please include a gift note with your name & contact info so we can thank you*
New Beginnings
Attn: Holiday Drive
134 College St.
Lewiston, ME 04240