Jaime is an artist who has felt the healing power of art and the therapeutic benefits it provides emotionally and physically. She feels strongly that it can impact the lives of others in a positive way! Art helped her cope with her teen years, and young adulthood dealing with depression and anxiety. Jaime shares, “Anyone at any age can create! That is what she loves most about art. Art is multidimensional and there are so many ways to create and interpret art.” She feels compelled to share her joy of art with the community and wants to encourage others to find their inner artist. Jaime approached New Beginnings with the concept of hosting an Art Supply drive at the benefit of Outreach Program and the youth relying on their support and services.
Specially Requested Art Supplies by Outreach Staff
- Alcohol Inks – 4 each color
- 3 cans Krylon Triple Thick Crystal Clear Glaze
- 3 tubes liquid nails
- 3 kits –henna for temporary tattoos
- 20 Adult Coloring Books
- 3-General’s Pencil #25 Graphite Drawing Set
- 5-Big White Erasers
- 10-8 ½ x 11 Art alternatives wire bound sketchbooks
- 3-Scissors
- 1-Ream 12×18 60lb Pacon white sulfite drawing paper
- 3 boxes colored pencils
- 3 boxes fine colored markers
- 3 boxes thick markers
- 1 each color Primo Sculpey Polymer clay
- 25 9×12 Fredrix Canvas Panels
- 5 Princeton Real Value Brush Sets for acrylic pants
- 1 each color Sargent Art 16 oz acrylic paints
Silkscreen Supplies:
- 3-18×20 silkscreens
- 1-quart black ink
- 1-quart red ink
- 2-9” squeegees
- 1-8 oz. Speedball screen drawing fluid
- 1-32 oz. Speedball screen filler
Textile Relief Printing:
- 15-4”x5” speedy cut blocks
- 2 Black speedball block printing ink
- 1 each speedball block printing ink
- 4 ink rollers
- 3 lino cutting tool set
Art Supply Donation Drop-off Locations:
- New Beginnings, 134 College Street, Lewiston: April 25, 4 pm – 6pm; April 26, 11 am – 2 pm; or by appointment by calling 795-4077 ext. 209.
- The Hive Artisan Coop, 178 Lisbon Street, 2nd Floor, Lewiston: donation box on premises, ongoing collection thru April 22
If you are interested in collecting donations at your business or school please contact Amber Kruk by email at amber@newbeginmaine.org.