Summer 2022 New Beginnings News!

Summer 2022 New Beginnings News!

Welcome to our Summer 2022 New Beginnings Newsletter Summer is here and New Beginnings is helping youth to stay busy and enjoy the activities the sunshine and warm temps offer! In this issue find out how important Street Outreach can be for youth, what exciting new...

2021 Annual Report

Click here to check out our Mobile Friendly version New Beginnings 2021 Annual Report PDFDownload Thank you to all of our 2021 Donors We are grateful for every gift and all of our supporters! Please note that 2021 supporters donating in-kind goods/services or holiday...
New Beginnings Public Service Announcement (PSA)

New Beginnings Public Service Announcement (PSA)

Thank you for checking out our PSA on homeless youth in Maine during National Runaway and Homeless Youth Awareness month. The original plans we had were a bit different but our youth’s words and responses really led us down an even more impactful road, and we...
New Resource for School Districts:

New Resource for School Districts:

McKinney-Vento Community Regional Representatives Through a new partnership with service providers statewide, funded by the American Rescue Plan Homeless Children and Youth state reservation, the Maine Department of Education has contracted with several organizations...
Staff Updates – Spring 2022

Staff Updates – Spring 2022

We have had many staff transitions since our last agency news update: Summer through year-end 2021: In August, we welcomed Jennifer Needham as New Beginnings’ Residential Services Director supervising the Marian’s Place shelter program and the Transitional...