Did you know that Gov. Janet Mills has extended Maine’s stay-at-home order until May 31st? Today is the first day of Phase 1 of the new Stay Safer at Home Order – but for now there are very few changes. Please keep yourself and others safe by doing the things that have already been in place:
- Washing your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds
- Keeping at least a 6 foot physical distance between people
- Only spending time with immediate household members/people you’re living with
- Only going out for necessary trips like to get food/medicine, exercise, or work
- No gatherings of more than 10 people, inside or outside
**NEW as of today 5/1/2020** A few more kinds of businesses and parks are now allowed to open, but the most important change is that you should now wear a cloth face covering (mask) whenever you leave the place where you live. Face covering is now required by law for everyone in places where physical distancing is difficult to maintain, and this includes staff + youth at all New Beginnings programs. Only people with certain medical conditions/disabilities and babies/toddlers are exempt from this requirement. Remember: Face coverings help protect others because you (or anyone else you interact with) could have COVID-19 without having any symptoms. Today’s graphics include how to make your own mask from a piece of fabric and rubber bands or hair ties – NO sewing required! You can also contact New Beginnings staff to help get your own cloth mask if you don’t have one. https://tinyurl.com/NBinfo5-01