We’ve missed seeing you! Help design our 2021 virtual Annual Meeting event! New Beginnings’ Board of Directors and staff would like to find out your level of interest in a virtual Annual Meeting/Celebration this spring. The program would be offered via zoom for...
The Board of Directors met for their Annual Elections on Wednesday, May 6, 2020. The meeting was held via Microsoft Teams video conferencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Officers were unanimously voted in as follows: Kelly Nelson, President Nancy Grenier, Vice...
This newsletter is all about DEDICATION. It has been four decades since New Beginnings opened the doors of our very first program to serve youth and families in crisis — the emergency youth shelter which has operated continuously since 1980. Over those 40 years...
Annual Meeting Postponed Pleases hold the tentative date date of September 24, 2020| Auburn, ME At which time we will celebrate the 40th Anniversary of New Beginnings. This year’s dinner will feature stories highlighting the ways New Beginnings has helped youth...
Welcome to our Winter New Beginnings News! Learn how New Beginnings is working to empower youth voices, fight hunger, raise awareness about youth homelessness, and reconnect with alumni. You will also read about how one youth never gave up on her dreams in spite...