In partnership with Maine DOE, New Beginnings’ McKinney-Vento Liaison Outreach & Education Project works directly with schools and educators to increase their internal capacity to identify and provide appropriate resources for eligible McKinney-Vento students and...
We all know things have been tough this year – we see our family, friends, and neighbors struggling with stress, health and mental health issues, and rising inflation. Imagine how much harder it is for homeless young people like Ethan.* Ethan was 18 years old when he...
Thank you for checking out our PSA on homeless youth in Maine during National Runaway and Homeless Youth Awareness month. The original plans we had were a bit different but our youth’s words and responses really led us down an even more impactful road, and we...
Lewiston-Auburn Candlelight Vigil | Friday, December 20, 2019 | 4:30-5:30 PM New Beginnings, Inc., the Lewiston-Auburn Alliance of Services to the Homeless, and the L-A Multi-faith Group offer our sincerest thanks to the community members who held vigil, paused to...